Personal stories from real people who survived their disease … And how they did it!

personal stories from people who successfully battled their disease and how they did it

Bill’s Story

Watch Bill tell his story above . . .

In 2012, Bill Holman shared his progress one year into being on the Gerson therapy for prostate cancer. Now he is back (2020) sharing what helped him adjust and how he is feeling. Bill strictly continues his Gerson therapy and has been cancer-free since!

How did your Gerson story start?

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2007 and was told about the Gerson Therapy by my good friend, Alison, who recovered from Stage IV Lymphoma using the Gerson Therapy twenty years earlier. At the time, I didn’t feel like I could do the rigorous protocol, so I did Cryotherapy with diet change, juicing and supplements. In 2011, cancer was found on the other half of my prostate, and I wasn’t willing to go the route of radiation because of the side effects. So I decided to go to the licensed Gerson clinic in Mexico and do the Gerson Therapy because I wanted to save my prostate rather than destroy it.

How do you maintain your health today?

I mostly eat vegetarian now and hardly eat meat or processed foods. I still juice lots of veggies. My favorite dinner is steamed broccoli with lemon juice, baked potato with flaxseed oil and non-fat organic greek yogurt!

Thinking back to how you felt in 2012, what would you say to someone who is one year into the therapy?

Stick to it! Don’t vary or cheat while on the therapy. Always ask your Gerson Practitioner before doing anything off protocol. I had some emotional outbursts the first couple of months. The therapy was difficult, but realizing what I was fighting for, I was all in. After about six months, all the questions about whether I had done the right thing went away as I saw my body and health improving. It was most helpful to really understand the Gerson Therapy and bond with my Gerson Practitioner that would be overseeing my treatment for two years.

What were your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

Fear! I overcame that fear with support from my wife, family and Gerson Practitioner. Plus my 2 mini dachshunds and my spiritual community.

Did you find any ways to make the therapy more affordable for you?

At the height, I was drinking 13 pounds of juice per day.  We bought foods in-bulk, worked directly with wholesalers, received wholesale pricing and everyone was very cooperative.  Its best to buy oranges, apples and carrots in bulk.

How has the Gerson Institute helped you on your journey?

The Gerson Institute is 100%  support, education and positiveness.  It’s a lifeline for the cancer patient.  A great ongoing resource.

Are there things you tried that you would not recommend to others?

Travel to Mexico is difficult.  Take a couple of years off, and just do the therapy

What do you think are the personality traits of a successful Gerson patient?

A positive attitude and a belief in yourself, first.  This is unlike conventional medicine, where you are relying on someone else (oncologist, radiation therapist, etc.)

Final words?

YOU are in charge of your healing


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