Personal stories from real people who survived their disease … And how they did it!

personal stories from people who successfully battled their disease and how they did it

More about Dendritic Cell Therapy

The development of vaccines against disease has been one of medicine’s high-water marks. Today is a new era in Vaccinology which includes customized vaccines made from conventionally prepared tumor and dendritic cells that stimulate immune responses (antigens).

Bio Care Hospital has seen cancer as one of the areas where dendritic cell manipulation and response offers the most potential. Science has shown that cells derived from the specialized white blood cells, called Lymphocytes and Monocytes, produce tentacle-like elongations which trap tumor cells and expose them to the immune system for destruction. They are called Dendritic Cells (DCs). Many factors in modern life and aging may affect the maturation process and population of DCs, rendering the body more susceptible to the growth, maturation and proliferation of tumor cells.

The DC vaccine mimics a natural infection. It stimulates the immune system to identify and destroy the patient’s unique form of cancer and create immunological memory to prevent the recurrence of cancer. During vaccine preparation, tumor and dendritic cells (DCs) are isolated and dendritic cells are activated. DCs “learn” to identify antigens-cancer makers on the surface of the tumor. When transfused, the dendritic cell exposes the patient’s cancer antigens to the killer T-cell, turning the T-cell into a cancer-destructive “smart bomb”.

Individual Cancer and Mutations

Humans normally produce cancer cells throughout their lives. Malignant cells exposed to a healthy, active immune system will either be attacked and destroyed (Phagocytosis) or genetically programmed for self-destruction (Apoptosis).

Genetic mutations and chromosomal abnormalities are commonly associated with human cancers. Unfortunately, since the genetic mutations leading to the development of cancer are often random events, every patient’s tumor can contain a unique repertoire of antigens. The characteristic of human cancer requires each patient’s immune system to recognize the specific antigens present.

Because these vaccines include the entire genetic repertoire of the patient’s tumor, this precludes the need to identify or isolate specific tumor antigens. Thus, with DCs vaccines, we can treat those patients without known tumor antigens or those from whom insufficient tumor material can be obtained, making them suitable for the vast majority of cancer patients.

The Unique Advantages of Dendritic Cells

Dendritic cells transfected with RNA encoding tumor antigens have been shown to stimulate potent immune cell responses equal or superior to other competing approaches.

Subcutaneous administration of concentrated DCs and active white cells, with characteristics specific to the patient’s disease, are part of this immune-specific protocol.

These cells are extracted from the body fat, requiring a liposuction type of procedure that yields a good dosage of high quality stem cells.

While medicine in general has always tried to curb the activity of the immune system in general with the use of so-called immune suppressor drugs, we believe that the treatment should be directed toward helping the immune system to respond in a more normal way and to try to direct its activity against non-self components.

We cannot stress enough the importance of a serious comprehensive in-house treatment program that can begin changing the course of degenerative disease. Our program extends from 10 days to 2 weeks to restore normal responses and behavior of the immune system. Synergy of all protocols is our goal and key to success.

“Every individual’s cancer is unique. Therefore, the most effective treatment is one customized to a particular disease’s genetic configuration. By capturing the genetic information of tumors, we are able to use DCs to trigger a desired immune response.”
— Victor Loustaunau, MD, Bio Care Hospital

Doctors and Clinics treating Dendritic Cell Therapy

Bio Care Hospital

(USA & Canada) + 800-701-7345

(International) +1 619-309-2080

Tijuana, Mexico