Personal stories from real people who survived their disease … And how they did it!

personal stories from people who successfully battled their disease and how they did it

More about Detox

Most of us know that dental hygiene is an important part of maintaining a healthy body. However, not everyone realizes the impact standard dental procedures can have on the incidence of chronic diseases, including cancer. All Hope4Cancer patients undergo a biological dentistry evaluation during their stay, and are given recommendations to take care of any issues that may be present. Biological dentistry considers all aspects of the body’s health while finding holistic solutions for the following potential dental problems: Root Canals: When injury or infection damages the root of a tooth, a root canal is often performed to prevent tooth loss. However, during the process of cleaning out the canal and filling it with inert material, millions of dentinal tubules are disrupted, causing the tooth to lose its ability to prevent plaque buildup. As toxins increase over time, they leak into the body and can cause infection. Dental Amalgams: Commonly referred to as fillings, dental amalgams are often used to fill cavities caused by tooth decay. Most amalgams contain a mixture of complex metals and mercury, a notorious neurotoxin recognized even by the World Health Organization to raise long-term health concerns. Silver amalgam fillings are composed of anywhere from 49-54% mercury by weight, slowly releasing mercury vapors into the bloodstream. If you are considering having your silver fillings removed, please be aware that the removal process can also release significant amounts of mercury vapor if not done properly. If you do not yet have dental amalgams, we recommend opting for mercury and heavy metal-free resin composites. Cavitations: A cavitation is a hole in the bone caused by a pulled tooth that has not correctly healed. The tissue in the cavitation that once held the tooth in place can easily become infected and eventually evolve into a bacterial cesspool. The toxin-producing bacteria can in turn cause osteonecrosis (bone death), weaken the overall immune system, and impact health without any obvious pain or symptoms.


Liver Detox
Good graphic charts to add

Testing for Toxins

Mercury Tri-test

The Quicksilver Scientific CLIA-certified laboratory specializes in advanced mercury speciation testing, using the patented Mercury Tri-Test. This test utilizes samples of hair, blood, and urine to assess for the body’s mercury burden and its ability to eliminate it. This test helps practitioners and patients to understand the magnitude and source of mercury exposure, as well as if additional support is needed in the process of mercury detoxification. The Quicksilver Mercury Tri-Test is the only clinical test that utilizes mercury speciation analysis, a patented advanced technology that separates methyl mercury (MeHg) from inorganic mercury (HgII) and measures each directly. Quicksilver Scientific’s instruments are sensitive enough to measure ambient mercury levels in the body without the need for challenge testing. Our laboratory test provides unprecedented information for healthcare practitioners, allowing them to assess their patient’s exposure sources, body burden, and ability to excrete each form of mercury. This detailed information helps build an informed picture and allows the clinician to plan a rational approach to a successful detoxification strategy for the patient.


Heavy Metals and Minerals Hair Test
Easy, non-invasive test for toxic heavy metals





7 Toxins That Weaken Immunity and How To Detox

Vaccine Adjuvants: What Are They and How To Detox Properly

Doctors and Clinics treating Detox

Dr. Nathan Goodyear

1389 Center Dr Ste 340

Park City, UT, 84098


Science and Research about Detox

Articles and Blog Posts about Detox