Personal stories from real people who survived their disease … And how they did it!

personal stories from people who successfully battled their disease and how they did it

Marcus’ Story

In 2015, Marcus was diagnosed with Stage IV Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. He had lost 50 pounds in just 6 weeks. He started with chemo but then decided to opt out and use only naturopathic treatments. Today, he has no evidence of disease.

This is his story in his own words:
“I was taken to the hospital by neighbors – I was too weak to do anything by this point. I had lost 50 lbs in 6 weeks, and I was sweating through my bed linens multiple times a night. I couldn’t eat.

“I arrived at the hospital and was immediately informed that I had Stage IV Lymphoma. I foolishly responded that I didn’t have cancer. Rather, I sold cancer policies. (My mind was not all there at that point…but I WAS the #1 sales agent in America for our company selling cancer supplemental policies!) They disabused me of that notion. Immediately, I began the typical surgery/chemo/drugs routine. The side effects were torturous on my body from head to toe. I was also hooked on morphine for the pain. Even the diagnostic tools that are used by conventional medicine I found to be outmoded, dangerous, and actually cancer-causing. Nine months later, my follow-up revealed they didn’t get it all and I need more treatment! I knew then I needed another route.

“Natural and “alternative” cures have been around for thousands of years, while the American Medical Association is only about 150 years old. So, in my opinion, our “new medicines” are the true “alternatives”.

“As I researched natural and holistic treatments, I found a video called “What the Cell is Going On?” by a nutritional biochemist named Dr Gary Tunsky. I loved it. I knew in my spirit the was correct. I looked him up and went to Florida to find him. He was brilliant! After using state-of-the-art equipment 40 years ahead of conventional medicine tools, he gave me a new protocol. I returned to Tennessee and followed it perfectly. Six months later, when I returned to my oncologist, he found NO cancer! Importantly, no one in the oncology department asked me what I had done. I was stunned! That was a lightbulb moment (or firework moment!). The conventional folks weren’t curious. AHA! Cancer is a business, not a disease. Buyer beware!

“Regarding what might have caused my cancer…Although epidemiology of cancer is not oncology’s strong suit, I discovered that our cell phones [along with many other things] are irradiating us profusely. My cancer tumor appeared directly under my cell phone position on my hip…lymphoma on the spleen. Of course, our food sources have also been horrifically modified. All disease is cellular malfunction of one of these types: Compounding toxicities and/or compounding insufficiencies. It’s easy. We need to reverse our bodies’ courses of self-destruction. The wonderful, amazing bodies we all have are self-healing, and will work for us if we ‘feed’ this mechanical wonder the right things!

“When he asked his doctor what caused the cancer, he was told that “it’s the luck of the draw.” Contrary to popular medical opinion, Marcus attributes it to the number one radiating device at that time: the Blackberry cell phone, which he wore over the area of his tumor (his spleen) for 15 years. After his diagnosis, Marcus immediately began chemotherapy treatment and endured a number of horrifying side effects over the following year. He was then told he would need more chemo, more radiation, a stem cell transplant, and other treatments. If he chose not to do this, he would have six months to live. However, Marcus felt that the conventional medical system had failed him, and went looking for another way.”

After visiting Dr. Gary Tunsky in Florida and following the prescribed protocol, he is now completely cancer-free.

Marcus’ Blog:
Dr. Gary Tunsky’s Clinic:
Dr. Gary’s “What the cell is going on?” (.pdf):
Dr. Gary’s “Nine Pillars to Health” (.pdf):
Dr. Gary’s “25 Questions to ask your Cancer Specialist”:


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