Personal stories from real people who survived their disease … And how they did it!

personal stories from people who successfully battled their disease and how they did it

John’s Protocol

The research experts at Johns Hopkins Medicine have confirmed, the most important thing you can do to reduce your risk of Parkinson’s is to improve your gut health. And when you consider that 80 percent of your immune system is in your gut and is regulated by beneficial bacteria and microbes, healing your gut is essential. Beneficial or “friendly” bacteria should make up about 85-90% of your total gut flora. But for many reasons including diet, stress, antibiotic use, and other factors, the ratio can become skewed.


Probiotics can balance the beneficial bacteria and help maintain healthy intestinal flora. 40 billion CFU (colony-forming units) of live bacteria is optimal for daily use and for enhancing your overall health. Studies show that multi-strain formulas achieve better results than single-strain probiotics.

Four of the most important strains of probiotic are:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus: Well known for supporting beneficial intestinal flora, a key variable in overall good health
  • Bifidobacterium lactis: Provides digestive and immune support
  • Lactobacillus plantarum: One of the most beneficial bacteria in your body, known for digestive support as well as support for healthy cholesterol
  • Lactobacillus paracasei: Offers a range of benefits, including digestive regularity and enhanced immune function.


Digestive Enzymes can help prevent or reverse leaky gut. Enzymes help break down difficult-to-digest food molecules into smaller molecules that your digestive system is capable of processing. This helps prevent food from leaking through your intestinal wall and into your bloodstream — which your body perceives as “invaders” and triggers an inflammatory response. The combination of enzymes and probiotics supports digestive health and ensures nutrients are delivered to where they are most needed. Key benefits include: Supporting digestive and gut health, Promoting a healthy inflammatory response, Enhancing nutrient absorption, Assisting the body in breaking down difficult-to-digest proteins, Promoting healthy metabolism and Supporting healthy weight management.


Fulvic Minerals literally come from the soil and are produced when organic plant matter decomposes. They contain many nutrients, including trace minerals, electrolytes, prebiotics and probiotics. In particular, probiotics and prebiotics nourish the gut and help maintain a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria.
Fulvic minerals provide multiple additional benefits including:

  • Enhancing the absorption and utilization of vitamins, minerals, and other key nutrients.
  • Supporting gut and digestive health
  • Supporting detoxification processes by neutralizing and removing harmful toxins and pollutants, including heavy metals.
  • Supporting immune function
  • Providing antioxidant protection against damaging free radicals that may lead to premature aging


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