Personal stories from real people who survived their disease … And how they did it!

personal stories from people who successfully battled their disease and how they did it

More about IPT: Insulin Potentiation Therapy (low-dose chemo)

The current treatment buzzword is low-dose chemo. Numerous studies in leading oncology journals report that in many cancers, low-dose results are superior to standard dosing. When low-dose chemotherapy is administered on a daily schedule (known as “metronomic” because it is regular and even like the beat of a metronome) the continual death of endothelial cells attempting to form new blood vessels can substantially disrupt the angiogenic process, slowing it down notably. One of the merits of this metronomic approach centers around cancer drug resistance. Whereas conventional, high-dose chemotherapy tends to select tumor cells that are resistant to the drugs used, metronomic chemotherapy targets normal endothelial cells that do not grow resistant to the drugs. In other words, metronomic chemotherapy keeps on working when conventional therapy fails. Tumors may be able to adapt to a degree by increasing their production of pro-angiogenic factors that promote endothelial cells survival. This explains why cancers, which initially regress in response to metronomic therapy sometimes grow back despite continuing therapy. The cancer confers this relative resistance; not the endothelial cells themselves.

Low Dose Chemotherapy

IPT: Insulin Potentiation Therapy aka Insulin Potentiation Targeted Low Dose Therapy (IPTLD): A fractionated low-dose chemotherapy that utilizes insulin as a biologic response modifier to target just the cancer cells and not the immune system or vital body organs. When chemotherapy is called for, IPTLD allows the chemotherapy to be targeted directly into the cancer cells reducing the size of the tumors, stopping their growth, and the likelihood of spreading. This enhances the healing process. The patient does not experience any of the side-effects associated with standard chemotherapy such as: hair loss, nausea, vomiting, weakness and fatigue that lead to the debilitating loss of hope. Nor does it break down the immune system’s ability to protect against other infections common to the traditional chemotherapy protocols. Most importantly, it is a powerful treatment that also preserves the quality of a patient’s life providing hope for healing.

IPT Without Chemo

IPT / HT: Chemo drugs are not the only subtances that can be combined with insulin to make for a more effective delivery. When IPT was first used, it was a combination of antibiotics with insulin. Homeopathic formulas can be delivered more effectively with insulin. Custom made homeopathic medicines are designed to to reach deeply into the body to release and remove toxins, and stimulate the natural repair and regrowth process. In IPT/HT, natural homeopathic medications are used in place of chemotherapy drugs. Whereas drugs force the body to do something that it’s not naturally doing, homeopathic remedies always work with nature to stimulate natural healing processes and have no side effects.


IPT at An Oasis of Healing

Survivor Story: Fran’s 6-week transformation using IPT (video) — See Fran’s physical transformation each week until she leaves the clinic

Survivor Story: Fran’s 6-week transformation using IPT (video) — See Fran’s physical transformation each week until she leaves the clinic

An Oasis of Healing

Comprehensive Cancer Care IPT. looks good
same link / scroll to bottom “13 Integrative Cancer Treatment Centers that offer Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT)

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pps. If you haven’t hear yet, we are raising $100,000 for a cancer patient to receive integrative treatment. No strings attached. We’d love it if you would donate or share this initiative with 3-5 friends and family members!

Your friends at Cancer Doctor



Doctors and Clinics treating IPT: Insulin Potentiation Therapy (low-dose chemo)

Dr. Nathan Goodyear

1389 Center Dr Ste 340

Park City, UT, 84098