Personal stories from real people who survived their disease … And how they did it!

personal stories from people who successfully battled their disease and how they did it

Teri and Lifestyle Coaching

In 2014, Teri noticed a lump on her neck. In March 2016, she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. She opted-out of conventional treatment and made a decision to radically change her life and take control of her health. And by December 2016 (9 months later), her body had healed and her PET scan was all clear. Teri is now a HealingStrong and Diabetes Lifestyle holistic health coach.

HealingStrong is a grassroots non-profit 501(c)3 organization made up of a growing network of HealingStrong Groups located in the United States, Canada and some international countries, offering proven solutions that rebuild the body, restore the soul and refresh the spirit. Today, isolation, desperation, uncertainty and fear are plaguing our nation and people need community, education and support to heal and stay strong. Our mission is to help others heal by empowering local and online HealingStrong groups through community support, education and faith.

Additional Survivors


Mary's journey to healing Colon Cancer


Healing my Ovarian Cancer with Gerson Therapy


I needed to rebuild my immune system to fight Neuroendocrine Carcinoma


The body can heal a scab and the body can heal breast cancer


6 years after colon cancer, I am as healthy now as I have ever been


My breast cancer tests have all been good for the last 12 years


Throat Cancer Survivor: As you can see I am looking and feeling pretty well


Juicing, Lymphatic Massages and Acupuncture helped Maria beat Cancer

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