Personal stories from real people who survived their disease … And how they did it!

personal stories from people who successfully battled their disease and how they did it

By the time Kate Malvenan learned of her lung cancer diagnosis, the cancer had already spread to her shoulders, ribs, hips, spine, pelvis, liver, and lymph nodes. Every doctor she saw gave her a grim prognosis, offering only a year to live at best. However, as a single mom of her two-year-old daughter, Kate was determined not to leave her little girl behind.

Early in 2018, Kate Malvenan began experiencing mysterious pains and pangs throughout her body. Concerned something was wrong, she visited several specialists and doctors, but to no avail. Finally, over nine months later, an alarming X-ray revealed a tumor on Kate’s lung — but that was only the tip of the iceberg. By the time Kate’s doctors discovered she had cancer, it had already wreaked havoc on her body, spreading to her shoulders, ribs, hips, spine, pelvis, liver, and lymph nodes. Every single doctor, from her oncologist to her lung specialist to her general practitioner,  gave Kate the same grim prognosis: merely six months to live, a year at best, and absolutely zero chance of survival.

Thankfully, shortly after Kate’s devastating diagnosis, she received not one but two recommendations for Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers. A single mother determined to defy all of her doctor’s expectations for the sake of her two-year-old daughter, Kate made the unwavering mental decision to be cancer-free within one year and made short work of going through our onboarding process. She wholeheartedly committed herself to the Hope4Cancer healing program.

364 days after her diagnosis, just one day shy of a year, Kate received the miraculous news that she was NED — no evidence of disease.

Now two years cancer-free despite all of the odds, Kate returns to Hope4Cancer for her fourth follow-up visit. In Kate’s Patient Journey video, she sits down with Dr. Tony to discuss her incredible story, what helped her get here, and why she keeps coming back years later.

0:00 Day 1: October 25, 2018, I was told I only had 6 months to live
1:10 Day 139: March 12, 2019
2:15 I decided I will do whatever I can to stand by my little girl
3:10 Hope4Cancer is ground-breaking and transparent
3:30 My best friend who came with me could see my daily progress first hand
3:40 After 21 days of treatment, the tumor in my lung was reduced 50%
3:48 and the lession in my liver had reduced in size
3:50 I entered the cancer clinic with 7 cancerous lymph nodes in my throat and neck. I left with just one that still had cancer. So 6 have disappeared.
4:00 I am writing a beautiful jjournal to Anabelle, my two year old
4:40 Present Day: This was the right path for me; They said I am breaking the rules with the results I am getting
5:20 I honestly believe this clinic saved my life

KATE – VIDEO 2 (interview with Dr. Jimenez)
0:30 Biopsy revealed non-small cell lung cancer; metastasized to liver and bone
2:00 “You will not get to the 2 year mark” “I started writing my will”
2:50 Discovered cancer clinic in Cancun, Mexico
3:30 Focus on rebuilding immune system
4:05 After COVID pause; Kate’s 4th visit; Daughter now 6
4:50 Strong will and mental toughness led to healing
6:00 5 clear PET/CT scans since entering clinic!
8:15 Using IV Therapy
9:20 Differeneces now vs. first entering clinic
10:00 Kate’s advice for other cancer patients
13:00 Using Hyperbaric Oxygen; Spiritual journey

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